Case2: date 11-2-2012
65 year male admitted in nephrology ward through the OpD for the complaint of low grade fever for last 2 month, anorexia and weitht loss for same duration and leg edema for 6 weeks.
On investestigation : he had unilateral pleural effusion on xray. Urine d/r had 3+ protein with RBCs, low hemoglobin and renal failure requiring dialysis.U/S showd both kidnys between 9 to 10 cm.
Renal biopsy performed which was uneventful: showed Amyloidosis.
Labs at first: Urea 300, Creatinine 14.4, Na 134, K 6.3, Cl 102, Hco3 09. Ca 8.1mg/dl: PO4 10.6: Alb 1.5:
T. Prot 5.9: Alp 111. Serum LDH 223.
Hb 10.5: TLC 15000: Plat 655ooo.
Pleural Fluid analysis: Pro 3.4; LDH 321; Alb 1.1; Tlc 500( 90% Lymphocytes.)
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