Saturday 9 December 2023

Medicine of Power

 Many of my patients desire to be given the medicine of power. I teach them, that there is no such medicine, I have ever known. When a doctor prescribes medicine of power, he/she usually means the medicine of vitamins and minerals.

Minerals and vitamins are easily obtained through our normal balanced diet i.e., containing fruits, vegetables, whole grains, meat, etc.

Second, energy comes through the movement of the body. If I start making a fist and open it for a certain period of time and keep repeating it then after a couple of days, I would feel enormous power in that fist. Where from that power come? I remain inside our body. Only the need is to tap it.

Ready-made food, junk food, packaged food should be avoided as they have very less nutrition.

آپ میں سے بہت سے مریض طاقت کی دوا لینے کی خواہش رکھتے ہیں۔ میں انہیں سکھاتا ہوں کہ ایسی کوئی دوا میرے علم میں نہیں ہے۔ جب کوئی ڈاکٹر طاقت کی دوا تجویز کرتا ہے تو اس کا مطلب عام طور پر وٹامنز اور معدنیات کی دوا ہوتی ہے۔

معدنیات اور وٹامنز کو ہماری معمول کی متوازن غذا سے بآسانی حاصل کیا جا سکتا ہے، جیسے کہ پھل، سبزیاں، مکمل اناج، گوشت وغیرہ۔

دوسرا، توانائی جسم کی حرکت سے آتی ہے۔ اگر میں مکا بناؤں اور کچھ وقت تک اسے کھولتا اور بند کرتا رہوں، اور یہ عمل کئی دنوں تک جاری رکھوں تو چند دنوں کے بعد مجھے اس مکے میں بے پناہ طاقت محسوس ہوگی۔ یہ طاقت کہاں سے آئی؟ یہ ہمارے جسم کے اندر ہی رہتی ہے۔ صرف اس کو نکالنے کی ضرورت ہے۔

تیار شدہ خوراک، جنک فوڈ، پیک شدہ خوراک سے پرہیز کرنا چاہئے کیونکہ ان میں غذائیت بہت کم ہوتی ہے۔

Wednesday 18 October 2023

Case Discussion

56 year male , ex smoker with significant history of Ischemic heart disease
Presented in emergency with the complaint of Generalized weakness, Short
Of breath and decreased urine output for last 2 weeks.
He was already investigated outside in cardiology services which he often
Visisted for his chronic heart ailment. His serum creatinine jumped from 0.7
Mg/dl to 4.1 mg/dl in 1 week period.
His past history entails stent placement 8 year back after angiography. Since  then
He was on heart medication including anti hypertensive agent s whose is prescription
Was not brought by him and he does not  know the names for all medications.
On examination he was conscious , well oriented and mobile with regular pulse
96 bpm and BP 80/6o with diminished perepheral pulses. He pale , not icteric
Not cyanosed with dry peripheries and flat neck veins.
Systemically he was ok except slight tenderness on right hypochondrial region.

Now this middle age guy has developed acute kidney injury. And the reason for
This is quit well infromed for his low blood pressure with significand heart disease
With medication whose names are not described. Well we can presume medication
In this scenario would be diuretic , ace inhibitors, anti platelets, Beta blockers etc.
This could cause volume depletion and AKI. ACE inhibitors can cause AKI.
He might have developed unstabel angina/MI which has cused AKI.